Our Services

We work with you and apply the latest techniques in research, analysis, quantitative methods and financial engineering. By working with us, you benefit from well researched, innovative and original analysis that matches your unique requirements. This can assist you to strengthen your investment returns or invigorate your operational performance.​

Strategic Solutions

Since we act as independent consultants to various businesses in the industry, we are continuously building on our substantial expertise in strategic issues that are relevant to the investment industry. By combining this with our customer-focused, innovative approach to problem solving, we are able to provide you with objective, tailored, creative solutions to issues that you face.

We work closely with you to develop and implement knowledge management and performance strategies that integrate with your existing business processes and meet your specific requirements. Our service ranges from working with you to improve your working practices, to designing customised tools and processes.

By undertaking detailed research, modelling and analysis, we are able to identify strategic issues that are pertinent to your situation (for example via analysis of mergers and acquisitions of your competitors, or via synergy modelling with respect to potential acquisitions). We then work with you to define and implement the optimal outcomes for you (for example through pursuing relevant growth options).

Tailored Subscriptions

Global Economic Trends and Insights
​This suite of reports, based on our global macroeconomic model, provides a detailed analysis of the Global Economy, the economies of Australia, the USA, the UK and Europe. The reports can be customised to focus on your specific areas of interest and can assist you with developing your long term investment strategy. (Annual subscription: customisable and available on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis.)

Australian Industry Trends and Insights
This quarterly report, based on our Australian microeconomic model, provides a detailed analysis of industries and their respective susceptibility to changes in the domestic economic environment. The report can be customised to focus on your specific areas of interest (Annual subscription).

Investment Analysis

We use the latest quantitative analysis, financial engineering and econometric techniques to model and solve your complex investment-related issues and provide original and innovative solutions.
Our economic models are tailored to meet your requirements. They will provide you with a detailed understanding of relevant economic trends that will assist with developing your investment strategy. We provide a variety of analyses which clients can use to facilitate their investment decisions, including:
⦁ Industry analysis
⦁ Company research
⦁ Valuations and financial modelling

Published Reports

The Impact of the Direct Property Sector and Listed Equity Market on Listed Property Trusts in Australia(October 2003)
This report examines the short term and long term relationships between Direct Property, Listed Equity and Listed Property Trusts. It can help you to develop your property investment strategy.

​Australian Venture Backed IPOs
1992-93 to 2003-04 
(March 2005)
 Joint publication with Private Equity Media, ISBN: 0 9586789 7 9
Australian Venture Backed IPOs – 1992-93 to 2003-04 is the first definitive list of IPOs by the Australian private equity industry over the 12 year period from 1992 to 2004, and the first, comprehensive analysis of the share price performance of those IPOs



Time is of the Essence! Resolving the Time incongruency Beta Bias

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404Harmony’s Fractional Model Empowers Custodia Financial to Launch Innovative Retirement Offering

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