"Innovative Strategic Solutions to Help You Strengthen Your Investment Outcomes and Operations"

Welcome to FitzBiz

FitzBiz Investment Analysis & Strategy is a consulting business with a special focus on the investment and finance industry. We are committed to working with you to invigorate your investment performance and increase your operating efficiency, through our use of innovative techniques, research, analysis and financial engineering.

Our Fintech Startup, Good Lioness, has won the Best Investment Tech Award. Good Lioness substantially enhances investment performance via Risk Optimised Adjusted Returns (ROAR) and Goal Oriented Optimised Diversification (GOOD) techniques.

Investment Analysis

We apply the latest techniques in research, quantitative methods and financial engineering. As a result, you benefit from well researched, innovative and original investment analysis that matches your unique requirements. 

Strategy Consulting

As independent consultants, we work closely with you to provide creative and objective strategic solutions that are suited to your specific needs. 


Through close collaboration, with you, we develop a detailed understanding of your approach to business, your work practices and relevant systems that you use. This enables us to deliver innovative tools and processes uniquely tailored to you.


Fitz innovative investment analysis & strategic solutions tailored to your unique Bizness circumstances. Reach out to us to discuss your requirements

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