About Us
FitzBiz Investment Analysis & Strategy is a consulting business with a special focus on the investment and finance industry. We are committed to working with you to invigorate your investment performance and increase your operating efficiency, through our use of innovative research and financial engineering.
Established in 2003, and incorporated in 2015 as FitzBiz Consulting Pty. Ltd., we are a strategy consulting company that help our clients by providing investment solutions for their portfolios This includes enabling our clients to make their own investment decisions and diversify their investment portfolios utilising our research, analysis and quantitative techniques.
As we grew our client base and deepened our client relationships at FitzBiz, our clients approached us to provide alternative tools and methods to improve their ability to operate efficiently. Using our strategic expertise, ability to work with different teams and adapt to different work environments, together with our industry knowledge, research and analysis skills and quantitative modelling techniques, we successfully meet client demand for these services.
We are committed to excellence but love to “think outside the box” and introduce new and different perspectives to our clients. Working with our clients, we design and create unique, client-centric, innovative tools, databases and processes that are fully customised to our clients’ needs and help them operate not only more efficiently but more effectively.
If this is the kind of working relationship that you want to have with your strategic consulting partners, send us an email, to brindha@fitzbiz.com.au, or give us a call at +(612) 9402 7080. We are more than happy to explore opportunities to collaborate with you.
If this is the kind of working relationship that you want to have with your strategic consulting partners, send us an email, to brindha@fitzbiz.com.au, or give us a call at +(612) 9402 7080. We are more than happy to explore opportunities to collaborate with you.

Our Approach
Our key philosophy revolves around partnering with you to set your team up for ongoing success, by designing flexible solutions that work for you and fit into your work rhythm and team ethos (rather than the other way around). To do this, we work closely with you to understand your team dynamics, resources, style and unique way of doing business. This enables us to identify and evaluate your specific investment or operational issues. Combining insights gained through this interaction with our industry knowledge, strategic expertise and analysis, we build fully customised tools and processes that are focused on your specific circumstances and procedures.
Our preference is to provide you with detailed training around these solutions, and equip you with tools and outcomes that integrate seamlessly into your workflow today, and which you are easily able to modify and adapt to facilitate success with your ongoing and changing future business needs.
Our Standards
We are committed to ensuring we deliver innovative, excellent, high quality performance and outcomes for you. We work closely with you and we adhere to the CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
In this capacity, we are bound by high ethical performance and analytical standards. We are also commitment to evolving and continuously enhancing our substantial investment and finance knowledge through continuing education, and our interaction with clients and industry participants.
Why Choose us
By working with us, you benefit from innovative, well designed, and easy to use and adapt high quality solutions that are tailored to your unique needs.
We help you to set your team up for ongoing success.